This section will explain how to set up the Virtual Memory Node type and how to use it to monitor your Virtual Memory usage.
Virtual Memory Node:
The Virtual Memory Node is used for showing you the actual Virtual Memory being used or that is available. It is very important to monitor your Virtual Memory usage to ensure that your system is running smoothly. Some processes may run out of control and start using large amounts of memory forcing the system to use more Virtual Memory. This Node type will help you find the problem application that is slowing your computer down and using so much resources.
Total Virtual Memory:
This is just for your information, showing you the total amount of Virtual Memory that you have on your system.
These options allow you to monitor the Total amount of Virtual Memory, The amount of Used Virtual Memory and the Available amount of Virtual Memory.
Virtual Memory:
Virtual Memory is what Windows uses when you run out of physical memory. Virtual Memory is actually space on your Hard Drives and is much slower than physical memory. It would be wise to use as little as possible. Keep in mind that Windows will use some Virtual Memory for functions in the operating system so there will always be some used.
To set it up, just select what you would like to monitor; Total, Used or Available.
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