privacy of your personal information is of the utmost importance to us at
Absolute Futurity. The information that we have gathered is strictly
confidential. It will only be used for Absolute Futurity's purposes of logging
registration keys to the proper users and to let you know about future products
and product updates. We will not
sell or trade information to any other third parties.
We will take special care to protect the privacy and security of your
Our privacy Policy does not apply to any other third party Web sites that
maybe accessible through our own Web site. We encourage you to read the policies
of those third parties to learn how they collect and use information about you.
The only information that we hold is that of email addresses that you
have provided to Absolute Futurity, for further communication that we may need
for future updated versions of our products and also for new releases of new
programs. Unless other wise stated by the customer.
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