This section will explain how to access and modify your Graphs and Nodes. This section is the starting point for finding more about each Graph and Node types.
Graphs and Nodes:
Graphs and Nodes are the basic building blocks of Speed Test. Because of this, Speed Test is very powerful, allowing you to monitor many things at once in any shape or form that you would like.
A GRAPH is a way of showing data in different formats like a Line Graph, Bar Graph or Systray icons. The Graph will be another window seperate from the main Conrtol Panel. To change the settings for a Graph you will need to go to the Control Panel and select the Graph you wish to change. The Graph in the main Control Panel can be found on the far left hand list, and it will be one of the parent items in that list (parent meaning that it has children under it which are indented slightly to the right).
A NODE is a line within a Graph, or the data for that Graph. The Node data will be charted within the Graph that it is assigned to. You can change the settings or type of Node using the main Control Panel. You can modify a Node by selecting it. The Node will be located under the assigned Graph and indented in the list to the far left of the Control Panel.
The settings for Graphs and Nodes can be set inside of the Settings Panel on the right side on the Control Panel. A Graph can contain multiple Nodes (data lines) within it. It would be very wise to ensure that each Node contained in a Graph is of the same data type, so you don't end up trying to read the same Graph with one line as a percent and the other line as bps.
Please see the following section to help you understand more about Graphs, Nodes and the different types.
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